

The Software Security is the primary importance when it comes to develop a new thing in online, Keep the environment secured and maintain regular backup is our primary safety method to secure your data's. We handle ourside the data's secured. Our employees are bonded with strict terms and conditions, which will safegaurd your data and information from our server.

DDoS prevention

We use technologies from well-established and trustworthy service providers to prevent DDoS attacks on our servers. These technologies offer multiple DDoS mitigation capabilities to prevent disruptions caused by bad traffic, while allowing good traffic through. This keeps our websites, applications, and APIs highly available and performing.

Server hardening

All servers provisioned for development and testing activities are hardened (by disabling unused ports and accounts, removing default passwords, etc.). The base Operating System (OS) image has server hardening built into it, and this OS image is provisioned in the servers, to ensure consistency across servers.

Employee background checks

Each employee undergoes a process of background verification. We hire reputed external agencies to perform this check on our behalf. We do this to verify their criminal records

Security Awareness

Each employee, when inducted, signs a confidentiality agreement and acceptable use policy, after which they undergo training in information security, privacy, and compliance. Furthermore, we evaluate their understanding through tests and quizzes to determine which topics they need further training in. We provide training on specific aspects of security, that they may require based on their roles.

We educate our employees continually on information security, privacy, and compliance in our internal community where our employees check in regularly, to keep them updated regarding the security practices of the organization. We also host internal events to raise awareness and drive innovation in security and privacy.

Dedicated security and privacy teams

We have dedicated security and privacy teams that implement and manage our security and privacy programs. They engineer and maintain our defense systems, develop review processes for security, and constantly monitor our networks to detect suspicious activity. They provide domain-specific consulting services and guidance to our engineering teams.

Secure by design

Every change and new feature is governed by a change management policy to ensure all application changes are authorised before implementation into production. Our Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) mandates adherence to secure coding guidelines, as well as screening of code changes for potential security issues with our code analyser tools, vulnerability scanners, and manual review processes.

Our robust security framework based on OWASP standards, implemented in the application layer, provides functionalities to mitigate threats such as SQL injection,Cross site scripting and application layer DOS attacks.


In transit: All customer data transmitted to our servers over public networks is protected using strong encryption protocols. We mandate all connections to our servers use Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2/1.3) encryption with strong ciphers, for all connections including web access,API access,our mobile apps, and IMAP/POP/SMTP email client access. This ensures a secure connection by allowing the authentication of both parties involved in the connection, and by encrypting data to be transferred. Additionally for email, our services leverages opportunistic TLS by default. TLS encrypts and delivers email securely, mitigating eavesdropping between mail servers where peer services support this protocol.

We have full support for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) with our encrypted connections, which ensures that even if we were somehow compromised in the future, no previous communication could be decrypted. We have enabled HTTP Strict Transport Security header (HSTS) to all our web connections. This tells all modern browsers to only connect to us over an encrypted connection, even if you type a URL to an insecure page at our site. Additionally, on the web we flag all our authentication cookies as secure.

At rest: Sensitive customer data at rest is encrypted using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The data that is encrypted at rest varies with the services you opt for. We own and maintain the keys using our in-house Key Management Service (KMS). We provide additional layers of security by encrypting the data encryption keys using master keys. The master keys and data encryption keys are physically separated and stored in different servers with limited access.


We run incremental backups everyday and weekly full backups of our databases using ThinkMyBiz Backup (TAB) for ThinkMyBiz's DCs. Backup data in the DC is stored in the same location and encrypted using AES-256 bit algorithm. We store them in tar.gz format. All backed up data are retained for a period of three months. If a customer requests for data recovery within the retention period, we will restore their data and provide secure access to it. The timeline for data restoration depends on the size of the data and the complexity involved.

To ensure the safety of the backed-up data, we use a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) in the backup servers. All backups are scheduled and tracked regularly. In case of a failure, a re-run is initiated and is fixed immediately. The integrity and validation checks of the full backups are done automatically by the TAB tool.

From your end, we strongly recommend scheduling regular backups of your data by exporting them from the respective ThinkMyBiz services and storing it locally in your infrastructure.

The security checklist

We'll always protect your data with our anti-fraud technology, and there are steps you can take to stay in the know about your Intuit Account and the information you share with it. This is our list of recommendations to keep your account’s safety on lockdown.

Responsible disclosure program

We're committed to ensuring the security of our customers' information and our systems. We encourage security researchers to report vulnerabilities they find in our systems or products. If you found a potential vulnerability, go to our Responsible Disclosure page to submit what you found. You may even qualify for our Bug Bounty program. We appreciate your help in keeping our systems and products secure.

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